Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Okay, I felt bad not giving any sort of game content along with my Jack Thompson dig, so here's the game Tanks, a fun turn-based shooter game that is a dead ringer for the old classic Howitzer (which is at that link for download, though it's an old DOS game - if I had to guess, I'd say it might run a bit fast on your machine). IMO, Tanks is actually a little lower in quality than Howitzer, but to each his own - Howitzer ain't on the web, so Tanks wins by default! Not quite by default - there are certainly other versions of this type of game, such as the penguin shooter one, which is quite inferior in my estimation, though if the penguin thing is a Tux shout-out I approve.

The setup is familiar if you've ever played Worms: move, aim, and shoot. Hopefully you pwn before you are pwned. You know how it goes - you can see a screenshot of me cleaning up the playing field above. Hopefully you'll do as masterful a job as I have. Good luck!

If you like this, you might also like TurboTanks, which is totally different, also involves tanks. Yeah.

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