Saturday, December 2, 2006

Double Wires

As you can probably tell by now, my tastes run towards simple games with original gameplay (interesting physics doesn't hurt either - hey, I'm a physics major, forgive me). This is certainly one of those games. The graphics are nothing to write home about, and I can't promise that you'll play this thing for hours, but it's certainly worthy of a few minutes of your lunch break!

Just click the mouse and you'll shoot wires out of your hand like Spiderman. If you screw up, you fall and die. Check it out.

While we're on the topic of game physics, I should make a shameless plug for another blog I have, devoted to the actual development of web games. Things are just starting up; I'm currently working on a game called RGB1 (perhaps the start of a series?). A brief technical demo is online, although it's not much of a game yet.

You may want to check out this demo to get a better idea what gameplay will be like. Controls are real simple: r, g, b, and drag the mouse in circles around the thing to control your rotation.

1 comment:

Brian Jordan said...

I can't believe it's not Flash (TM)!